Medicinale paddenstoelen
Zeer krachtig in het versterken van o.a. de weerstand.
Essentiële tincturen
Inheemse kruiden met Chinees geneeskundige werking
Net niet fit
Opgeblazen buik
Chinese kruiden patentformules
Eeuwenoude effectieve kruidencombinaties
Ontzuren & ontslakken
Herstellen van de mineraalhuishouding en ontgifting
Basische mineralen
Ontgiftende theeën
Natuurlijke, basische cosmetica
Basische mineraalbaden

Health and lifestyle

Health is for us a trinity between body, mind and soul. Or in more modern terms body, emotions and thoughts. Where our body not only has physical but also energetic elements.

A disbalance on one of these levels has impacts on all other aspects. A healthy lifestyle, herbs, salts, vitamins and healthy skincare help to correct and treat disorders.

Lifestyle is an important factor in the creation of mineral and vitamin deficiencies and the emergance of toxic overloads in our body. Our alkali and detoxing products are perfectly suited for correcting disbalances that originate from al long period of eating too little fruits and vegetables, toxic elements inrefined foods and stressfull periods.

Illnesses that are created by emotional influences, consitutional weaknesses, long periods of stress, etc. can be more effectively treated with Chinese patent formulas or indigenous herbs.

Chinese patentformules

Chinese patent formulas are effective combinations of efficacious substances that have been used in China for over 500 years. Sometimes these products are associated with strange ingredients. Our patents are produced according to Dutch and European legislation.

Qi is the focus in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Herbs can balance the energies in our body. If someone is frequently cold, warm herbs can be used. If there is too much energy in the head, this energy can be dispersed downwards.. And so on.

Blood is also a name for a type of energy in the TCM that can best be translated as all the bodily fluids like blood, lymphe, bile, secretions, etc. Stagnations in the flow of these fluids can also be treated with Chinese patent formulas.

Most of the patent formulas are created with herbs.  Only in a few patents are animal products used like chicken or locus.

LiquidQi - indigeneous herbal formulas

Chinese patents are produced in China with Chinese herbs. These herbs are grown under strict conditions, but are not indigeneous and biological.

Our philosophy is that we should eat the plants that grow around us. Western Europe has a rich diversity of effective medicinal herbs. The TCM aspects of these herbs have been described, which makes it possible to create the same effect like Chinese patent formulas, but with our local plantlife.

Combining locally grown herbs in effective formulas to treat illnesses as described in the Traditional Chinese Medicines is the purpose of the LiquidQi formulas.

These mixtures are produced as tinctures. These extracts contain all the efficacious substances and are produced mostly with fresh herbs in labratory conditions. This way all volatile elements are secured which would be lost in the drying of herbs.

Shipping costs

Nederlands: € 7,00, free above € 35,-

Belgium, Denemark, Germany, France, Luxemburg, Austria: € 9,80, free above € 75,-

Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Zweden, Switzerland, € 12,60, franco vanaf € 100,-

Netherlands Antilles,, United Kingdom, Poland, Slovakia and Griece:: € 18,20, free above € 150,-

Payment methods

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Therapist discount

Therapist can order our products at a great discount. Are you a naturopoath, TCM practitioner of other Health practitioner, make a account ask us to approve it.